Award Winning Lancashire Business Invests In Cpack Machinery
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Award Winning Lancashire based family business Spar invest in Cpack machinery including custom built stainless steel L-Sealers and Shrink Tunnels along with a custom frame to hold them. After searching through other companies Spar decided Cpack could deliver exactly what they are after. Able to offer Spares and Servicing Cpack are the best all round choice in packaging machinery offering the full complete package.

After a few conversations and emails we were able to come across something using our industry leading knowledge of packaging machinery. And as a result our modified Shrink Tunnel was adapted for the food industry. And is the perfect combination alongside the L-Sealers.
See below custom CPS380 L-Sealer and 350 Shrink Tunnel in Stainless Steel

Whether you have a similar project in mind, or if you require something completely different contact us now!