Model 70 Bunch Wrapping Machine

The Model 70 is a large improvement over the previous generation of Bunch Wrappers, which provides customers with a smart bunch wrap that is sealed on the base. The Model 70 is ideal for cakes, pies, cheese and other round products.
Featuring a choice of product trips and in-feeds the Model 70 can be tailored to the exact requirements your product needs. This machine has been improved minimizing product contact, giving a smoother transition throughout the machine. This intelligent bunch wrapper comes complete with a print registration unit allowing you to print dates and other information on the packaging material of your items.
Print registration unit
Stainless steel lower panels
Choice of product trips and in-feeds
Greater stability for top heavy products
No rubbing of product base on in-feed
45 products per minute packing speed
New easy to clean guards
Plastic in-feed belt
Product carried direct to elevators
Increased product flexibility